Regional Certified program is the next step for Patrollers after they have completed the Senior program and acquired the requisite experience needed for the Certified program. So what is expected of Certified candidates? Some of the things that the candidates are required to do are:
Learn 8 knots so that you can tie them anytime, even in the dark. (this is a prerequisite before you can go onto the Low angle rescue station)
Set up a 1:3 low angle rescue in less than 20 minutes. (We have one candidate that can do it in 12 minutes)
Lift Evac – the process (from alert to completion) – the protocols (types of rope, harnesses, belay methods) – Understanding lifts and how they work (brakes, towers, sensors and even how the haul rope is constructed) What is a haul rope? Come and find out!!!
Management Interview – Do you know how to staff a patrol, how much equipment you need on the hill, how much that equipment costs, how much lift evac equipment is required, and a whole lot more!!
Hill Safety Interview – Why do we use bamboo? What are the protocols for closing a trail? Why do we closed for grooming? What are the requirements for snowmobiles on the hill? Interested??
Find an avalanche beacon in less that 3 minutes, obviously, learn how to use them. (Sounds easy doesn’t it)
OEC – practical – 3 patients, seriously injured – 20 minutes – triage
OEC bystander – One patient – two bystanders – a scenario you cannot do without their help, oh by the way, they do not know any first aid. Your patient may need CPR – think about it – no patrol help for 20 minutes
OEC written – 100 questions
Avalanche written – 50 questions
Skiing and Toboggan – another story for when the snow flies
The schedule of events is kept on the EMARI calendar. Email the Certified Program Advisor Scott Crofts if you are interested in attending. The locations, times and dates are subject to change.
Steps to join the Certified Program
The process by which a patroller may enter into the Certified Program is as follows.
If you are applying through the National Ski Patrol fill out the NSP Education Program Certified Candidate/Recertification Application.
Complete and submit the following essay questions:
Why do you want to a Certified Patroller?
What do you expect to gain from the Certified Program?
What benefits can the Certified Program and the NSP expect to gain from your participation?
Do you participate in training Patrol or Senior Candidates? What do you contribute to your patrol beyond your required shifts? Are you involved in Lift Evacuation training, CPR training, OEC training, etc?
Do you have aspirations to assume a leadership position in your patrol, the region or division
How does your professional career benefit from your patrol activities or how do your patrol activities benefit from your professional career?
Provide two (2) letters of recommendation from Certified Patrollers.
(Note: When Certified members compose letters they should be as thorough as possible and should include direct knowledge of the applicant’s abilities and qualifications. The Credentials Committee members rely on the content and extent of the letters when considering accepting the applicant into the program.Attend and successfully complete an approved Certified Precourse
Professional Ski Patrol Association
If you are applying through the reciprocity agreement between the PSPA (Professional Ski Patrol Association) and National Ski Patrol complete the following steps
Obtain and fill out: "Application for Reciprocal Membership" (obtained through the Credentials Committee Chairperson or the PSPA secretary)
Provide a letter of recommendation from the current PSPA president attesting to the applicant being a member in good standing.
Provide a letter of introduction outlining what your commitment to the organization you are applying to will be, and how you plan on becoming involved to help us preserve and strengthen the program
Provide a letter of recommendation from your Patrol Director or Supervisor
Send all requirements to Credentials Committee Chairperson
Please Note: The Credentials Committee Chairperson must receive a complete application package at least 30 days in advance of the annual exam.
The Credentials Committee then reviews all applications and recommends or denies entry into the program
Eastern Division Certified Program Chairs
To view the current program chairs visit the Eastern Division Certified Program Chairs page.